各位老師、學生: 根據當前新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎疫情情況,考慮到一些國家、地區已實施的入境管製措施,為保障我校師生身體健康和生命安全🦟,避免可能造成的不必要的損失,學校根據上級有關文件精神,對近期有出國境計劃的師生🤲🏼,做如下通知🐗⭕️。 1. 合理安排出國(境)計劃 原則上所有訪問團組🦙👉🏿,包括前期審批通過的團組,均建議在與邀請方充分溝通說明的基礎上推遲或取消🏋️♀️。 如決定取消出訪👅,請在學校PIM系統、“OE欧亿交流合作”、“出國總結與報銷”流程中進行“取消出訪”操作。 若經充分研判確有出訪必要,仍然堅持執行出國境計劃的團組,需出訪前向所在院系和OE欧亿部報備🤞,出訪人員要加強個人防護和行前準備。已審批完成的團組,請團長簽署《出國(境)承諾書》🩳,並由所在單位黨組織書記審批👩🏿🔧,同時將審批結果報送OE欧亿部(shuvisa@oa.shu.edu.cn);若尚在審批中的🦴,請將承諾書直接上傳出境申報系統😑。 2. 做好出行防控措施 擬出訪師生務必提前了解所到訪國或地區當前對人員入境和檢疫的相關政策🙇🏼♂️,避免入境滯留或遣返🏊🏻👱,在途在外要充分做好個人防護👳🏿♀️🧑🏽🌾。請密切關註官方發布的疫情信息和國家出入境管理規定可能的臨時調整👨🏼⚖️,應提前到達出境口岸,留出足夠時間接受相關部門檢查。出國出境必須購買醫療保險。出國出境前若出現發熱伴有咳嗽🙌、呼吸困難等呼吸道感染病狀🫅🏻,一律停止出國境任務執行🚵🏿;若在境外發生以上症狀🕯,應第一時間在當地具備條件的醫療機構就醫,屬於疑似或確診病例的,應第一時間向所在單位報告。 3. 加強信息掌握與溝通 如有出(國)境事務咨詢,請加入OE欧亿娱乐“因公出國境交流”微信群,我們將在群裏為師生解答。同時,“上大OE欧亿”公眾號也將推送相關防控信息,敬請關註🫁。
因公出國境交流群 “上大OE欧亿”公眾號 感謝對因公出國(境)工作的支持,讓我們攜手同心🧑🏻⚖️,共克時艱,期待凜冬散盡🎧💂🏽♂️,春暉來臨。
OE欧亿部 2020年1月31日 Dear teachers and students, According to the current epidemic situation of new-type coronavirus infection, some countries and regions have already implemented the immigration control measures. Considering the current situation, for the sake of our teachers and students' health and avoid possible unnecessary losses, Shanghai University has made the following suggestions to notify our teachers and students who plan to go abroad recently. 1. Make reasonable arrangements for overseas (border) visit All visiting groups, including approved groups, are recommended to postpone or cancel the visit after full communication with the inviter. If you decide to cancel the visit, please go to the university's PIM system,find "International Exchange and Cooperation." Then go to "Summary of Overseas Travel and Reimbursement" to perform the "Cancel Visit" operation. If it is essential to visit after comprehensive research and judgment, the group still wants to carry on the visit plan should report to the department and International Office before the trip. The visiting members should strengthen personal protection and preparation. For the approved visiting groups, the leader of the group ought to sign the "Letter of Commitment, "which will be approved by the department or college's party secretary, and send the approval results to the International Office via "shuvisa@oa.shu.edu.cn." If it is still under review, please upload the commitment letter directly to the PIM system. 2. Take control measures and effective preventions for the trip Teachers and students who plan to visit must know in advance the relevant policies and regulations regarding entry and quarantine of the countries or regions to which they are visiting to avoid entry detention or repatriation. Besides, making adequate personal protection while traveling. Please pay close attention to the official information on the epidemic situation of 2019-nCoV and temporary adjustments of National Exit and Entry regulations. It will help if group members arrive at the exit port in advance to allow enough time for inspection. Members must purchase medical insurance when going abroad. Before going abroad, if fever, cough, dyspnea, and other respiratory infections symptoms occur, stop performing the visit immediately. If the above symptoms arise abroad, members should seek medical treatment at local medical institutions as soon as possible. If members are suspected or confirmed as 2019-nCoV, they should report to Shanghai University as quickly as possible. 3. Strengthen information grasp and communication If you have any questions about going abroad on business, please join the WeChat group of "因公出國境交流" of Shanghai University, we will answer questions for teachers and students in the group. At the same time, the "上大OE欧亿" WeChat account will also forward related prevention and control information, so please stay tuned.
WeChat group WeChat account Thank you so much for your support. Let us continue working together to overcome the difficulties and look forward to upcoming success.
Attachment:Letter of Commitment International Office, SHU Jan 31st2020